That’s Just Sunday Around Here

Sunday, April 21st, 2024.

9am: Our first worship service begins led by our modern band, with Josh, a college student, on drums; college students Ioanna and Lilly on vocals, and Ben, a high school student, playing bass.  Jesús is leading the tech team, with high school students Josie running the video screens and Christian running the lights, and middle school student Luke operating the gimbal camera.  Paige, a former intern and current college student and leader at the FSU Wesley Foundation, is home from school for the weekend and is in attendance.  During the service, 9-year-old Maddox receives his 3rd grade Bible, and several high school and college students are leading in our children's ministry.

10am: Middle School, high school, and college students are among those who spring into action, led by Ioanna, to convert the sanctuary from the modern to the traditional service.

11am: Our second worship service begins.  Jesús again is leading the tech team, this time with middle school student Mason running the video screens.  Elementary school students Chloe, Ty, and Jaiye are serving as acolytes.  High school student Ryan begins the service with the call to worship.  College students Taylar, Ioanna, Kendrick, Troy, and Kaitlyn sing in the choir, and perform the Beatles’  “Let it Be” together.

12pm: Pastor Matt's “Gen Z College and Early Career” Bible class gets through about 20 verses in an hour and a half as they ponder dozens of their questions, theories, and possibilities together.

2pm: Heritage becomes scout troop central as scouts and troop leaders fill the fellowship hall, main hallway, and parlor for their next event. 

6pm: About 150 church members and friends gather on nearby Honeymoon Island to cheer on the middle schoolers of our 2024 confirmation class as some are baptized and others reaffirm their baptism ahead of this coming weekend’s Confirmation Sunday.  While out there other students chose to reaffirm their baptisms or be baptized for the first time as well!

An outside observer might ask, was this a “youth Sunday”?  Those who know us would respond simply, “Nope. That’s just ‘Sunday’ around here.”

It continues to be a privilege to tithe alongside you to keep on making Sundays like that one happen weekly at Heritage United Methodist!  



Confirmation Crosses