New GriefShare Class Starting

Hello Friends!

Pastor Curtis here and I want to let you know about a powerful ministry that we offer our congregation and community.  This program is for those who are dealing with the grief due to the loss of a loved one.

GriefShare is a 13 week program that includes a video and discussion time.  We are beginning a new series on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 that is open to everyone 18 and above, so feel free to share this information.

Just to let you know a little bit about the group, we meet each Tuesday evening at 6:30.  We are currently meeting using the “Zoom” platform due to COVID.  We begin each meeting by watching a very enlightening 40 minute video.  After the video, some participants may be moved to share something that stood out for them from the video.  Some participants may also share about their loss if they are compelled to do so.  You don’t need to speak at these meetings until you are ready to.  Each video is independently themed so attendees do not have to start at the beginning of the series.

Participants have the option to either purchase their own workbooks or receive one free of charge from us.  The workbook is full of many helpful tools and encouraging messages to read each day.

GriefShare has helped so many people learn how to manage their lives while going through their grief journeys.  Once registered, participants may also sign up to receive daily encouraging emails.  A GriefShare Facebook page is also available for sharing stories and connecting with others experiencing grief.

If you or someone you know could benefit from participating in GriefShare, we are here for you.  Anyone may individually register at  After your registration has been received, you will be sent an email with the link to join our next scheduled GriefShare Zoom meeting.  You may also contact me at  I can provide you with more information, answer any questions that you might have and I am here if you just need to talk.


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