Student Ministry
The Lighthouse is a student ministry focused on helping teens build relationships with God and each other. Serving in the city and throughout the world, we have youth-led worship, grade level small groups, practical Bible studies, fun monthly events, and more!
Family Ministry Director
Lauren Lopez
(727) 796-1329
Student Ministry Coordinator
Stephanie Barr
(727) 796-1329
Calendar at a Glance
2nd - Confirmation Class (meet in Parlor) 4:30 - 5:30
Girl Dinner (meet in B7 - the Green Room) 4-5:30
Youth Group 6-7:45
3rd - LAST DAY for Kaos & Rush sign-up
7-9 - Confirmation Retreat - Warren Willis Camp
9th - Girl Dinner 4-5:30
Youth Group 6-7:45
14-17 - Kaos & Rush Spring Retreat - Lake Swan Camp
16th - NO Youth Group
23rd - Confirmation Class 4:30 - 5:30
Youth Group 6-7:45
29th - All Day 5k
30th - Confirmation Class (meet in Parlor) 4:30 - 5:30
Girl Dinner (meet in B7 - the Green Room) 4-5:30
Youth Group 6-7:45
Previous Lighthouse Newsletters
Sunday Night Youth Group
Sunday night youth group includes services for middle school and high school students which takes place from 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
These services provide students with the opportunity to learn more about God and also gives them recreational time to hang out and have fun with the other students.
We meet most (but not all) Sundays during the school year. Click the button below for the schedule and details.
Confirmation is one of the most important things we do at Heritage. It is an exciting time helping 8th grade and older students make the turn from the faith of their childhood to the faith that will sustain them in high school, college, and beyond!
Student Ministry goes on at least 2 retreats every year. Retreats are important in the life of Student Ministry, as they give students a chance to get away from their normal hustle and bustle and spend 2-3 days focused on their spiritual discipleship. That can include worship, games, small groups, break out sessions and more. Click the button below for more info!
Mission Trips and Service Opportunities
Each summer, we offer both a US based and an international mission trip. This is a chance for our students to experience new cultures and living out our mission of transforming the world.
Over a 4 year period of time, we provide opportunities for different types of mission trips: urban, rural, disaster relief and international. In the past we have been to TN, GA, FL, AR, San Francisco, Bahamas, Costa Rica to name a few.
Students also have various opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. Usually these volunteer opportunities can count towards hours needed for scholarships.
Pumpkin Patch
The month of October brings a sea of orange around our campus. Fresh, bright orange pumpkins of all sizes is the perfect spot to take pictures and decorate for fall. We’ve been ranked by the Tampa Tribune as one of the Top 10 Things to Do in Tampa Bay.
Our annual pumpkin patch has been a long standing tradition and major fundraiser which helps support our Student Ministry. We have many volunteer opportunities for students and families.
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