Children’s Ministry

Our focus is to partner with parents and families to make disciples of Jesus who will change our world. With events year-round, and summer camps like no other Heritage Children's Ministry exists to help you and your family. Our goal is simply to engage children by nurturing within them a love for Jesus and by building a foundation for God's truth through interactive Bible lessons. We strive to stir compassion to love and serve others while encouraging connections through community and faith. Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 am for Heritage KIDS Service or 11:00 am for childcare in building B.

First Time visitor?
Click Here to create a KidCheck Account.

We use KidCheck to track attendance and keep our records current. It also provides the Ministry staff access to parent/guardian emergency phone numbers if we need to reach you while your child attends our programs. Create your account ahead of time, before your first visit for a smooth drop off experience. Our staff on Sunday Morning can help you with setting up an account as well.

Family Ministry Director
Lauren Lopez
(727) 796-1329 #120

Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Amanda Gantzert
(727) 796-1329 #139

Nursery Coordinator
Lauren LeBlanc
(727) 796-1329 #139

Sunday Morning Programs

Drop Off Starts 15 minutes prior to the start of any program.

Heritage Kids 9 AM to 10 AM (During the Modern Service) - We offer an hour full of fun and learning. Our program follows a curriculum provided by Think Orange for our Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Elementary aged students. We engage them in fun games, crafts and science activities that go along with a monthly theme and a weekly bible story.

11 AM to 12 PM (During the Traditional Service) - We offer an hour of fun filled childcare. Engaging the children in games, crafts, outside time and more.

View a sampling of our curriculum by visiting our Partnering with Parents and Families Page!

Childcare Programs

Sunday - 10 AM to 11:30 AM - childcare is provided for families/parent who attend Bible Study during this hour on Sunday Mornings.

Tuesday - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM - childcare is provided for families/parents who attend Bible Study during this timeframe on Tuesday Evenings. RSVP for childcare by emailing *Program takes a break during the summer.

Friday - 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM - childcare is provided for families/parents who attend Bible Study during this timeframe on Friday Mornings. RSVP for childcare by emailing *Program takes a break during the summer.

Visit our Small Groups Page to find the right fit for you!

Have a Small Group that meets here at Heritage and would like us to consider providing childcare? Email for more information.

Activity Participation Form

If you will be placing your child in childcare, participating in Skate Nights, camps, or other events with Children's Ministry, please make sure that we have a signed Activity Participation Form. This will help us better serve you and make drop offs easier and much quicker.

  • Skate Night

    6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
    in the Heritage UMC Parking Lot

    Jan 10 2025
    March 7 2025
    April 11 2025
    May 9 2025

    Preschool and School Age Children (through 5th Grade) Admission $2 per child. A fun night of skating, music, and concessions!

    School Age children may be dropped off, Preschool parents are asked to stay with their child.

    **Activity Participation Forms are required for all children, a notary will be available during the event.

  • Summer Save the Date

    Online Registration will open March 2nd

    Heritage KIDS Camp Session 1 - June 2nd to June 6th - 9am to 12pm - $100

    Extended Hours Available 12pm to 2pm - $25

    *Rising VPK3's thru rising 6th graders.

    Travel Camp - June 2nd to June 6th - 9am to 2pm - $200

    *Rising 4th Graders through rising 6th graders.

    Musical Performance Camp - June 16th - 20th - 9am to 2pm - $125

    *Rising 1st Graders thru rising 6th graders.

    Heritage Preschool Camp Session 2 - June 16th - 20th - 9am to 2pm - $125

    *Rising VPK3's through rising Kindergarteners.

    VBS / Preschool VBS - July 14th - 18th - 9am to 12:30pm - $25

    *Rising VPK thru rising 6th graders.

  • My Bible Class

    You will present a Bible to your child in a special blessing event ceremony on April 6th at the worship service time of your choosing (9AM or 11AM), where you will also speak words of blessing over your child.

    Childcare can be provided for the children of parents who plan to attend. Please indicate if you would need childcare in the registration. (Birth - 5th grade)

Small Group Parent Volunteers Needed

Small Group Parent Volunteers Needed

After our Parent Meeting on November 5th, it was decided that we would begin asking the Parents of our Heritage KIDS to serve as Small Group Leaders for our children’s programing on Sunday Mornings. What does this mean for you? It means that we get the opportunity to mentor and build meaningful relationships with the children, and this is where faith truly develops!

Logistically this would mean you serving for the 9 AM hour for 3 Sundays consecutively. I know this seems like a lot! For the benefit of the children and the relationships that I know will form, having consistency is key! There is a Sign-Up form that will let me know that you are willing to serve, I will then add you as a small group volunteer to Planning Center (our scheduling software). This will allow you to sign up for the weeks that you know you will be here. It will also send you weekly reminders when you are scheduled for a small group on Sundays. Planning Center will also give you access to our lesson plans so that you may read through them in advance.

Sunday Morning Schedule for the 9AM Service
8:45 to 9:10 Children Arrival and Game Play
9:10 to 9:25 Large Group Activity
9:25 to 9:50 Small Group Activity
9:50 to 10:00 Prayer and Dismissal

Sunday Morning Schedule for Communion (Usually the 1st Sunday of the month)
Nursery will be open starting at 8:45am.
Children will worship with their families for part of the 9am service. You are encouraged to sign them in prior to service starting.
When children are called to come forward during the service for the children’s message we ask that their families come forward and sit in the front few pews so that when communion starts after the children's message you can receive communion with them. After being served communion you would then exit with your child(ren) to walk them to the Children’s Ministry room in Building B. You will return to service after dropping off your child.
9:30 to 10:00 Large Group Activity and Extension on the Children’s Lesson given during the sermon.

Interested in Volunteering? We are always looking for Adults and Teens with a love for Jesus to hlep us with our special Events. Follow the links below to let us know and we will be in contact soon!


Partnering with Parents and Families

The mission of Heritage Kids is to partner with you to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. With the launch of in person Sunday morning programming, we haven’t forgotten about those who are not yet comfortable attending on campus. Each week we will continue to post the new Preschool and Elementary lessons, so you can view them in your home any time that is convenient for your family. The links to the videos and parent pages can be found below.