Our Neighbors Need Us This Week!

Hello Heritage! We’ve suddenly had one of those weeks arrive that takes some extra effort by all of us to pull together and do our important work.

As you know, the annual (albeit paused by the pandemic) Heritage Golf Tournament fundraiser is coming up this Saturday, with proceeds going to create opportunities for as many children as possible to attend summer camps that will introduce them to Jesus, and deepen their connection with Him and hundreds of other students in the coming months. Click here to learn more!

The golf tournament by itself is enough to make it a full week for our lay and staff leaders, volunteers, and congregation; but two other events have popped up in response to the needs of our community, and it’s our privilege to do our best to come through for our friends and neighbors.

Your Executive Team has extended an invitation for Heritage to host a candlelight prayer vigil tomorrow, Tuesday night, at 6:30pm, with our friends from Mount Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church (MTO) as we walk through another time of anger, fear, and sadness in the aftermath of violence and loss of life in our community and across the country. Clearwater Police Chief Daniel Slaughter, who will be attending with his family, will share some remarks, and MTO Pastor James Williams will lead us in prayer. We need help setting up and helping with parking and hospitality for the event, which will be held in the former preschool playground (where we hold the Christmas tree lighting). Please email Ali Flinchum by clicking here and let us know how you can help bring our community together before the Lord in prayer!

Third, a Countryside High School senior sadly died last week, Colin Farrell. A celebration of his life will be held outdoors on Saturday late afternoon or evening, sometime after our golf tournament (time still to be determined…), at the at Oldsmar Sports Complex, and we’ve been asked for help with two large elements of the funeral that would require good coordination and several volunteers.

  • Providing, setting up, and operating a portable sound system, projector, and screen.

  • Providing and setting up large event tents, tables, and chairs with space for 500 people.

I hope that Heritage will continue to be known in our community as a church our neighbors can count on in their times of great need. Please click here to email Ashley Allen and let her know that you’re willing to help with coordinating either of these efforts, or to volunteer to help acquire, transport, set up/take down, and/or operate these elements during the service.

It’s a week to see what we’re made of, Heritage! Please jump in, lend a hand, and let’s see what God might do with us to offer hope, healing, and peace to our neighbors!


Pastor Matt


How the Bible is True


School Partnership Team