Lent@Landmark: Day 7

Church architecture is a fascinating subject to me. There are so many things that go into designing a place of worship that are very intentional, and have a specific purpose. Consider Psalm 123:1.

“I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven.” (Psalm 123:1)

Architects will often include a low-ceiling for the space from which people enter a church sanctuary. Perhaps there’s a “narthex” with a lower ceiling, or perhaps when you first walk in you’re under a balcony. That’s done because when you move from a space with a low ceiling to a space with a higher one, our instinct is to look up! Who knew that architects were actually out there helping us follow the advice of Psalm 123!

There are different kinds of seasons we will walk through in our lives. Joyful, fearful, thankful, tearful, anxious, expectant. In whatever kind of season we’re in today, may we always be reminded to first look up.


Lent@Landmark: Day 8


Lent@Landmark: Day 6