Pastor Matt’s Bible Class to Lead Our Online Only Service

Hello friends! Starting tonight, Pastor Matt’s Bible Class will become the content for the sermon of our service designed for online viewers who would prefer to watch something with them in mind rather than watching the in-person services on camera when they tune in on Sunday morning. I will cover the same Biblical content, but it will be a deeper dive into it. One switch will be that, from now on, the Bible Class / Online Podcast will be ahead of Sunday instead of behind.

This is still new territory for all of us, so I know we’ll figure it out as we go. It’ll surely continue to be an adventure into the unknown, but I’m glad we’ll do it together.

Everybody is invited to tune in, and if you chat in a question or comment, you’ll be helping me preach!

See you at 7pm!



Pastor Matt’s Bible Class Online | November 4, 2020


Lunchtime Lectio | Week 4, Day 3