Sherry Thode and Jesus vs. the Coronavirus

When I went into the hospital desperately struggling to breathe and feeling miserable, I saw Jesus in the corner of my room. This was the Jesus of my childhood. You know, the one with long blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes and flowing robes. It was also the Jesus my freshman year college professor tried to make appear weak by putting him in a suit and giving him a haircut. Anyway, there He was - motioning me to come to Him. I thought I was going to die....go to heaven. But, I ARGUED with Him. I had things to do and places to go. It was just like me to argue with God and usurp His authority! What NERVE!

God said to me, “I made you just the way you are. I love you and Jesus loves you. Your purpose is to love and praise me”. Historically, I was never really able to say “I love you, God, I love you Jesus”. I believed, but had too much junk in my life to express myself openly.

Now I said it. “I love you, God. I love you, Jesus.” Jesus reappeared in my corner. A younger, more modern Jesus - rugged, dark-skinned, brown curly hair ... a smiling Jesus. I ran to Him and jumped in His arms like a child runs to his daddy and jumps into his arms.

I know now what God wants me to do - simply love God and to focus on Him! To go and love my family, friends and others. He wants me to build a stronger relationship with Him, and my husband - a strong cord of three: God, Thode and me. I am not a leader or speaker, but I am to love all, accept all, listen to all.

I belong to God. God belongs to me. DOUBT - run away. My calling is to be open to God, to praise and worship him continuously and to love others. This caused a reassessment of my life and the reasons I do what I do. Am I just a doer? Is what I do for the Lord? Am I listening to God’s direction? Do I just want to get it done? Who gets the recognition? God doesn’t want us to overly focus on what we DO. His emphasis is on what we are to BE. Who He is developing in me. DO should be a natural and spontaneous action of who we are in Christ.

During this Covid journey there have been many cards, prays, helpers, meals and friendships. I never realized what an awesome community of faith Heritage is. We have a unity in faith and love for each other first and then we reach out beyond our church family.

Thank you Heritage!
Sherry Thode


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