Rules & Expectations Agreement

Rules of Expected Behavior for Each Student

These rules are for the benefit of everyone on a trip and are taken very seriously. The first four rules are crucial for the safety and security for everyone on a trip, so they are strictly enforced. If any of them are broken, it will be considered grounds for immediate dismissal from any trip.

  1. Put Christ First.

  2. No alcohol, drugs, tobacco products including e-cigarettes permitted.

  3. No sexual harassment or sexual conduct.  No guys in girl’s rooms or vice-versa at any time.

  4. No weapons (knives, too)/ fireworks at any time at any event.

  5. Students must be in groups of 3 or more at all times.

  6. Be on time, follow curfew, listen and follow instructions, plus any other stated guidelines.

  7. Respect yourself and all others; including the leaders and volunteers.  Be polite. No bullying or harassment will be tolerated.

  8. Leave your electronics and valuables behind. Cell phone policy varies from trip to trip.

  9. Don’t borrow money.  If you need money, privately, ask the youth director, or adult small group leader.

  10. Take care of property and vehicles. Clean up after yourself and encourage others to do the same.

  11. Dress Appropriately.

    • *General:  Clothing or jewelry with unsuitable graphics, words, or advertisements, etc. are prohibited. No visible undergarments. Midriffs covered. Shorts should be modest in length. No short shorts.

      • *Mission Trips and Retreats: Additional rules may apply from the organization.

      • *Water Activities: Guys: Swim trunks  Girls: One-piece swimsuit, or tankini that covers midriff or a two-piece with a cover-up.

  12. Room Rules for Overnight Trips;

  • *Adults get the first pick of beds and first choice of showers.

  • *No guys in girl’s sleeping quarters, or vice-versa at any time!  Never.  Ever.

  • *Don’t do anything to embarrass yourself or your group on purpose. Be quiet in the hallways, respect the rooms and other guests.

  • *When lights are out, students are in.  No exceptions.

  • *No pranks.

  • *If you are having ANY problems or an emergency, notify an adult immediately.

As a parent, I/we have reviewed the rules of the activity and agree that my/our child will abide by them.  I/we also acknowledge that if my/our child has to return home early for discipline violations, it will be at my/our own expense.  In addition, parents are responsible for any and all damages, and for any student left unattended before or after an event.

Mine and my student’s electronic signature below note our agreeance to these rules. I also acknowledge that before my student’s event I will be required to stop by the Lighthouse office to have this form notarized.