A Return to In-Person Worship Recap

Dear Members and Friends of Heritage United Methodist,

It was so good to see some of you as we began the gradual return to in-person worship services this past weekend. With many others remaining engaged through our online connections, it was a great weekend!  We had 198 people join us in person across our three services, 88 people watched the service live streams, and 203 watched the “Heritage Online Experience” created specifically for online viewing.  

On top of that, some small groups are returning to in-person meetings, while others continue on line--all of which are studying the scriptures, praying, and following Jesus together.  Thank you for being such a faithful church!  If you’d like to join, host, teach, or start a small group, please let me know!

Here’s a few things we learned from week 1:

No Two Mask Wearers Are Alike
We realized that people wear masks in a variety of ways.  Please remember that masks are only effective in protecting you and others from the Coronavirus when they cover both your mouth and your nose.  

We are asking that, if you attend in-person services, that you follow this rule of thumb:

Wear a mask for music and moving.

While you’re moving around inside the buildings, we ask that you keep your mask on, as this is a time when you are more likely to come within six feet of another person.

Further, according to doctors, singing is “like coughing into the air for 3-4 minutes.” That’s obviously not the best way to keep everybody healthy and safe, so if you sing, we also ask that you keep your mask on. Once you’re in your seat, placed six feet away from other individuals or groups outside your quarantine group, you may remove your mask.  If you plan to sing, or when you leave your seat for any reason, please put your mask back on so that it covers both your mouth and nose.

Most People are Still Going to Watch from Home, and that’s okay!
As I mentioned, the return to in-person worship will not be immediate for everybody. (Frankly, if it was, we couldn’t fit everyone anyway and maintain six-foot social distancing!)  For those who will be watching online, you have the option of watching the in-person services live, or taking a deep dive into the Scriptures being preached that day with Pastor Matt in a pre-recorded worship experience including music, Bible teaching, and news and updates about life and ministry at Heritage.

The Schedule is a Little Different than it Used to Be
During the first phase of our return to in-person worship, the schedule will be:

  • 9am, Sanctuary:

    • Style:  Our traditional worship service

    • Music:  Led by the organ and a small choir.  

    • Preacher:  The preacher of this service will usually be Pastor Matt.

    • Watch Online:  On the Heritage UMC Facebook page or our Vimeo page.

  • 9am, Family Life Center:  

    • Style:  Our “Ignite” modern worship service

    • Music:  Led by our praise band.

    • Preacher:  The preacher of this service will usually be Pastor John.

    • Watch Online:  On the Ignite service Facebook page or our Vimeo page.

  • 11am, Sanctuary:  

    • Style:  Our “Ignite” modern service in our contemporary service space (with new window shutters to create the dark space preferred by Ignite attenders!)

    • Music:  Led by our praise band.

    • Preacher:  The preacher of this service will usually be Pastor John, with Pastor Matt hosting and taking turns as well.

    • Watch Online:  On both the Heritage UMC Facebook page and Ignite service Facebook pages, or our Vimeo page.

  • All Morning, Online

    • Style:  The Heritage Online Experience

    • Music:  Clips of our praise band from worship at Heritage, as well as other Christian artists

    • Preacher:  Pastor Matt will teach and a take a more in-depth look at the passages being preached in the sanctuary and FLC services. It will be more, as he likes to call it, “Bible nerdy.”

    • Watch Online:  On our online worship platform.

Also, if you missed a service and want to watch it later, they’re all stored on our Vimeo page and can be viewed any time you like!

The Tree Lighting is a no, but the Live Nativity… is a Go!
The Coronavirus pandemic has severely limited what we’re all able to do, whether it be in church or anywhere else.  However, while we can’t pack 300 people into our usual tree lighting area again this year, a team of your fellow church members has made a plan for a way to bring the little town of Bethlehem to life once more in a safe and healthy manner.  More information will be coming soon, but if you know you want to volunteer already, contact Barb Galbraith at barbg@heritageumc.com

Helping out at Thanksgiving 
In years past, Heritage has served individuals or couples in our congregation or neighborhood who are unable to join together with family or friends by hosting them for a Thanksgiving luncheon served in the Fellowship Hall. 

2020 has presented us with challenges that prevent us from coming together physically as we have before, but we’re still going to find a way to come through for those who need us at this time of year by offering a “to go” Thanksgiving meal instead.  If you or someone you know would be glad to receive this gift, or if you’d like to help cook or deliver, or if you’re willing to donate food or funds to help make it happen, please let us know.  Click here for all the details!

Administrative Council on Monday Night
Don’t forget that our next Administrative Council meeting will be Monday night, November 9th, at 6:30pm.  We will meet online, and you can participate live on our online worship platform by clicking here, watching and sending in questions or comments using the chat section on your screen.  Administrative Council members are expected, but all are welcome to tune in and hear the latest news, updates, and upcoming opportunities!  Chairperson Tom Meachum promises we’ll be done in plenty of time so you won’t miss the exciting Monday Night Football clash between the 2-5 New England Patriots and the 0-8 New York Jets!  

I’m looking forward to sharing Sunday morning and Monday evening with you, whether it be from here, there, or anywhere!


Pastor Matt


How is a United Methodist Church Different from Any Other Kind?


Pastor Matt’s Bible Class Online | November 4, 2020