How is a United Methodist Church Different from Any Other Kind?

I’ve been having a variety of engaging conversations with leaders, members, and friends of Heritage United Methodist lately about what it means to be a United Methodist church as opposed to anything else, and I’ve found that most aren’t really sure. So, I’ve been in search of helpful ways to convey some of those distinctives. First, we’ve created the 3-Minute Methodist Podcast, a 9-episode series which briefly touches on some of these distinctives. You can easily listen to it on Spotify by clicking here.

Also, a couple years ago Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Gibbs wrote about his decision to transfer his ordination from another denomination to the United Methodist Church, and did a good job summarizing some UM distinctives in his explanation. Click here to read Part 1, and here to read Part 2.

There will be more resources coming along in the weeks to come to help us explore our United Methodist Heritage. —MH


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