Family Ministry

Family Ministry Director
Lauren Lopez
Phone: (727) 796-1329 x 120

Nursery Coordinator
Lauren Leblanc
Phone: (727) 796-1329

Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Amanda Gantzert
Phone: (727) 796-1329

Student Ministry Coordinator
Stephanie Barr
Phone: (727) 796-1329 x 147

Nursery and Children’s Ministry


We are growing up the next generation of the Church with the purpose of intentionally handing the Church over to them. One way we do this is by inviting families to receive communion together on the first Sunday of each month. Children will attend the beginning of the 9AM service to participate in worship, a Children’s Moment, and Holy Communion before heading over to Children’s Ministry for their lessons. The Nursery will be open for infant through VPK.

Upcoming Events

**March 2nd - Communion Sunday - 9AM & 11AM Services

March 5th - Ash Wednesday Service - 7pm - Sanctuary

March 7th - Children’s Ministry Skate Night - 6:30 - 8:30pm - Parking Lot

March 25th- My Bible Class Session 1- 6:30-7:30pm- B6

March 28th - 5K Weekend Pasta Dinner - 6:30pm - Fellowship Hall

March 29th - 5K Weekend Race - First wave is at 7am, Children’s FUN RUN @ 11AM - Parking Lot


Upcoming Events


2nd - Confirmation Class (meet in Parlor)  4-5:30
    Girl Dinner (meet in B7 - the Green Room)  4-5:30
    Youth Group  6-7:45

3rd - LAST DAY for Kaos & Rush sign-up

7-9 - Confirmation Retreat - Warren Willis Camp

9th - Girl Dinner  4-5:30
    Youth Group  6-7:45

14-17 - Kaos & Rush Spring Retreat - Lake Swan Camp

16th - NO Youth Group

23rd - Confirmation Class  4-5:30
    Youth Group  6-7:45

29th - All Day 5k

30th - Confirmation Class (meet in Parlor)   4-5:30
    Girl Dinner (meet in B7 - the Green Room)   4-5:30 
    Youth Group  6-7:45


We are growing up the next generation of the Church with the purpose of intentionally handing the Church over to them. One way we do this is by inviting families to receive communion together on the first Sunday of each month. Children will participate in the service with worship, a Children’s Moment, and Holy Communion before heading over to Children’s Ministry for their lessons. The Nursery will be open for infant through VPK.